29. Nekulová M, Wyszkowska M, Friedlová N, Uhrík L, Zavadil Kokáš F, Hrabal V, Hernychová L, Vojtěšek B, Hupp TR, Szymański MR. Biochemical evidence for conformational variants in the anti-viral and pro-metastatic protein IFITM1. Biological Chemistry, (doi: 10.1515/hsz-2023-0327)
28. Michal R. Szymanski, Anna Karlowicz, Geoffrey K. Herrmann, Yana Cen, and Y. Whitney Yin. Human EXOG Possesses Strong AP Hydrolysis Activity: Implication on Mitochondrial DNA Base Excision Repair. Journal of the American Chemical Society, (doi: 10.1021/jacs.2c10558)
27. Anna Karlowicz, Andrzej B Dubiel, Jolanta Czerwinska, Adela Bledea, Piotr Purzycki, Marta Grzelewska, Ryan J McAuley, Roman J Szczesny, Gabriela Brzuska, Ewelina Krol, Bartosz Szczesny, Michal R Szymanski. In vitro reconstitution reveals a key role of human mitochondrial EXOG in RNA primer processing. Nucleic Acids Research, gkac581, (doi: 10.1093/nar/gkac581)
26. Reyes-Aldrete Emilio, Dill Erik A., Bussetta Cecile, Szymański Michał R., Diemer Geoffrey, Maindola Priyank, White Mark A., Bujalowski Wlodzimierz M., Choi Kyung H., Morais Marc C. . Biochemical and Biophysical Characterization of the dsDNA packaging motor from the Lactococcus lactis bacteriophage asccphi28. Viruses 2021, 13(1): 15 (doi: 10.3390/v13010015)
25. Jain N., Blauch, L.R., Szymanski, M.R., Das, R., Tang, S.K.Y., Yin, Y.W., Fire, A.Z. Transcription polymerase–catalyzed emergence of novel RNA replicons. Science. 2020 Mar 26. pii: eaay0688. (doi: 10.1126/science.aay0688 )
24. Dosekova P., Dubiel, A., Karlowicz, A., Zietkiewicz, S., Rydzanicz, M., Habalova V., Pienkowski V.M., Skirkova, M., Han V., Mosejova, A., Gdovinova, Z., Kaliszewska, M., Tońska, K., Szymanski, M.R., Skorvanek, M., Ploski, R. Answer to Finsterer about “Multisystem presentation of a homozygous POLG2 variant”. Eur J Med Genet. 2020 Mar 9:103900. (doi: 10.1016/j.ejmg.2020.103900 )
22. Dosekova P., Dubiel, A., Karlowicz, A., Zietkiewicz, S., Rydzanicz, M., Habalova V., Pienkowski V.M., Skirkova, M., Han V., Mosejova, A., Gdovinova, Z., Kaliszewska, M., Tońska, K., Szymanski, M.R., Skorvanek, M., Ploski, R. Whole exome sequencing identifies a homozygous POLG2 missense variant in an adult patient presenting with optic atrophy, movement disorders, premature ovarian failure and mitochondrial DNA depletion. Eur J Med Genet. 2019 Nov 26:103821. (doi: 10.1016/j.ejmg.2020.103900 )
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