
7th DNA Polymerases meeting

Members of our laboratory are participating in the 7th DNA Polymerases Meeting taking place in Warsaw. The meeting, held at the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, brings together researchers from across the globe to discuss various aspects of DNA polymerases, from structure and function to their roles in DNA repair and genome stability.

Our team is presenting their research findings alongside international experts in the field. The program covers crucial topics such as replication mechanisms, DNA repair processes, and the latest methodological advances in studying these essential enzymes.

The meeting’s format, featuring both oral presentations and poster sessions, creates an ideal environment for in-depth scientific discussions and networking opportunities. These interactions are particularly valuable for advancing our understanding of DNA polymerases and their fundamental role in maintaining genome integrity.

Special thanks to the organizers for putting together this important forum for the DNA polymerase research community.

More information about the meeting can be found at:


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