
MRSLab at iNEXT Discovery Foresight Meeting

Michał Szymański represented our laboratory at the iNEXT_Discovery Foresight Meeting hosted by SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre, Kraków. The meeting, organized in collaboration with Instruct-ERIC, brought together experts from across Europe to address crucial questions about the future of structural biology.

The discussions centered on several key themes that will shape our field in the coming decades. Participants explored how structural biology might evolve over the next 10-15 years, with particular focus on the transformative impact of AI technologies. The conversations covered both practical aspects – such as AI’s role in data processing across different structural biology methods – and broader strategic considerations about infrastructure development and investment.

A significant portion of the meeting was dedicated to discussing the education and training of future structural and molecular biologists in an increasingly AI-dominated landscape. These discussions are particularly timely as our field undergoes rapid technological transformation.

The insights from this forward-looking meeting will help inform approaches to structural biology research and infrastructure development in the years ahead.


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