
Lipids, Proteins and their interactions in Organelle Biology – Greece 2022

Adela attended EMBO I FEBS Advanced Lecture Course in Grece.

This advanced lecture course was the 18th in a series that started in 1987. It accommodated ~60 participants from across the world: graduate students, postdocs, and senior scientists during a 6-day summer school in Spetses, a small island in Greece, at the Anargyrios and Korgialenios School of Spetses.

It was a combination of lectures, poster sessions, career advice panel and discussions with the PI’s over dinner. The dinners were organized in outside the school. We had to pick whom we want to join. Over dinner, we discussed scientific topics and also had discussions about life in general, personal stories and challenges that we meet along the way in the scientific environment.

In terms of scientific work, the topics that were mostly covered were related to lipid signalling and lipid transfer proteins in cell biology, lipid droplets, protein import to peroxisomes, what’s the link between membrane architecture, function and dynamics –identifying and imaging proteins in their native environment, lipid transfer between organelles and also contact sites between different organelles (most of them were about peroxisomes and ER).

Techniques discussed: State-of-the-art art cryo-focused ion-beam milling which is a tool to study membrane architecture directly on intact cells, fluorescence microscopy: Lattice Light Sheet Microscopy (LLSM) and Lattice Light Sheet Microscopy optimized with Adaptive Optics (AO-LLSM) to study cellular membrane remodeling during essential processes such as cell division, organelle biogenesis, endosomal trafficking, lipid homeostasis, etc., cryo-tomography and cell biology related experiments, solid state NMR to study interactions between proteins and lipids.

Speakers from: Utrecht University (The Netherlands), Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Harvard, Cambridge, University of Bern (Switzerland), Glasgow University, Weizmann Institute (Israel) among others.

Lipids, Proteins and their interactions in Organelle Biology – Greece 2022 | Utrecht University | Homepage (


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