
MRSLab at the 3rd Bacteriophage Symposium in Gdańsk

MRSLab members recently had the pleasure of attending the 3rd Bacteriophage Symposium in Gdańsk, an event that brought together Polish experts in the field of bacteriophage research. It was a fantastic opportunity to share our findings, exchange ideas, and engage in meaningful discussions about the latest advancements in the field. We are especially proud to share that Asia received a distinction for her talk, a well-deserved recognition of her dedication and excellent work.

The symposium was held on the campus of the University of Gdańsk, in the UG Library building, thanks to the generosity of the library director. The event was supported by esteemed institutions such as the Polish Society for the Study of Microorganism Viruses, the Polish Genetic Society, and the American Society for Microbiology, which sponsored an award for the best presentation by a young scientist. The Polish Academy of Sciences also contributed by providing financial support for the symposium.

We are incredibly grateful to the organizers for creating such an inspiring and well-coordinated event. It’s gatherings like these that remind us of the importance of collaboration and shared passion in driving scientific progress forward. Thank you for the unforgettable experience!


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