
Opening the Academic Year of IFB Seminars with Dr. Hans Spelbrink

We’re excited to begin this academic year’s IFB Seminars with an engaging lecture by Dr. Hans Spelbrink from Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen. A renowned molecular cell biologist with over 25 years of experience in mitochondrial research, Dr. Spelbrink will delve into the fascinating interplay between mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) maintenance and mitochondrial RNA homeostasis.

Dr. Spelbrink’s extensive research career has been pivotal in advancing our understanding of mitochondrial biology. Among his many achievements, he is known for identifying Twinkle, the long-sought mtDNA helicase linked to human diseases such as autosomal dominant progressive external ophthalmoplegia. His groundbreaking work has reshaped our understanding of mtDNA organization, debunking the outdated notion of “naked” mtDNA and establishing the concept of nucleoids—discrete protein-DNA complexes in the mitochondrial network.

Throughout his career, Dr. Spelbrink has employed innovative approaches, from developing polymerase gamma mutator models to advancing proteomic methods for studying mitochondrial gene expression. His seminar will shed light on cutting-edge findings in mtDNA maintenance and its relationship with RNA homeostasis, offering insights into both cell biology and proteomics.


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