
XVI School on Synchrotron Radiation

Our PhD student Michal attend XVI School on Synchrotron Radiation organized by SILS and Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste. The first seven editions of the School were organized by SILS at S. Margherita di Pula in Sardinia, the VIII at the Frascati Laboratory of the Italian Institute of Nuclear Physics, the three following editions at Duino (Italy), then two editions were held in Grado (Italy) and the last two in Muggia (Italy). This edition of the school was held in Muggia (Italy) from the 19 to the 30 of September, 2022.

The School gave a general overview of the characteristics and potentiality of synchrotron radiation to graduated students and young researchers interested in its use. The emission of synchrotron radiation both from the storage rings and from free electron lasers, its properties, most of the experimental methods used, their fundamentals and applications in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Earth Science, Material Science and Medicine was illustrated. Data analysis sessions, as well as experimental training on some of the ELETTRA beam-lines, also took place. The lecturers are well known scientists with long standing experience on the use of synchrotron radiation in each specific topic. Discussions with them allowed Michal to update his molecular toolbox and answered numerous questions on how to tackle certain parts of his PhD project.


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