
Professor Marcin Nowotny visited our Biotechnology Department!

On November 17, 2023, we had the pleasure of hosting Professor Dr. Hab. Marcin Nowotny and participating in his highly engaging lecture. Marcin Nowotny graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Warsaw in 1998. In 2002 he defended his doctoral thesis at the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology. He received the title of professor in 2020. In 2003-2008, he worked in the group of Dr. Wei Yang at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, USA. Since 2008 he heads the Protein Structure Laboratory at the International Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology in Warsaw, Poland. He is a member of several international scientific societies and organizations (Academia Europaea, European Molecular Biology Organization). He is a laureate of the Foundation for Polish Science Award (2022) for research on the molecular mechanisms of DNA damage and its repair. Marcin Nowotny uses structural biology to understand the mechanisms of processing of nucleic acids – DNA and RNA. He is particularly interested in DNA repair pathways, DNA transposition, reverse transcription, RNA processing and the mechanism of action of nucleic acid therapeutics.

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